Monday, July 22

We Bought A House! Now, Where Do We Start?

So, after our offer was accepted, we kept waiting for something to snag and delay closing. But, by some miracle everything went smoothly! On February 28 around 1pm, we signed all the paperwork were homeowners! Then, we headed to the house to get organized and started.

We were instantly overwhelmed.

Luckily we have amazing friends + family who came over that first weekend and helped take down blinds, doors and pull up carpet. Oh, and CLEAN.

Literally the first thing to come down were all the thick, room-darkening blinds. Literally: the night we closed on the house they were down.
Let there be LIGHT!
You can see our saving grace's box in the bottom-left corner - the Shop Vac. I don't know what we would have done without him. I guess we knew what we were getting into. 

The guys pulled up the carpet in the Sunroom, took down the wonky, unsafe banister, and removed the duct-taped plastic from the windows. 
The amount of cleaning that went down was unheard of. The kitchen and bathrooms were tackled by my amazing Mom, MIL and sister. They touched things you don't want to know about, I promise.

Other notable things from that first weekend:
Hall bath fixture came down --
Mmmm hot pink walls + wallpaper

Brass shower doors came down and those huge
TP and towel racks were pulled off (= huge holes)
Teenage girls, 'nuff said.

And one more that we had a ton of help with, but was a BIG step in the right direction:
Foyer wallpaper DOWN!

To this day if I smell Downy I get anxious and nauseous. Oh, and someone stole the basketball goal. We rolled up Sunday morning and noticed. Oh well, no biggie. By the end of Sunday we were exhausted, but HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! And extremely thankful for everyone's help. Then, we went home and slept like rocks.

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