Monday, February 13

Getting This Going!

In an effort to get off my booty and actually complete some of the pins on my DIY board, I am going to post some of the ones I've finished so far and in the future, post the ones that I actually do do (heh).

Numero Uno: Wedding Invitation Ornament
I found this and pinned it (26 weeks ago.. so by my calculations, pre-wedding). I mentally told myself I'd do this for THIS Christmas. Most of my crafty projects get done when Patrick is out of town and I remember talking to him on the phone explaining that I'd cut a couple of our invites into strips and had spent the past hour or so wrapping said little strips around a pencil to make an ornament. He had no idea what I was talking about. Moving forward a day or four, here was my end result:

I'm not sure how it happened, but it was a pure accident that my new last name was visible, but however it happened - I was/am a fan! Has anyone else made this? I love how it turned out!

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